Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2019 Review (My #1 Blogging Purchase!)

As I sat down to write this post, it occurred to me that it’s nearly my three year blogging anniversary. 

Three years is not that long in the scheme of things – it’s the same as the average university degree course, for example – but it’s enough to build a business that has changed my life.

About a year ago, I started earning more from my blog than in my day job. Since then, my blog has allowed me to spend time abroad, fund my own maternity leave and work part time, flexible hours from home, while still earning great money.

When I reflect back on my blogging journey, one of the things that has made the biggest difference to me is blogging education.

I taught myself how to blog. And I didn’t go about it the right way, in the beginning. I wasted a huge amount of time in my first year doing the wrong things, because I didn’t have any blogging guidance.

There are so many free blogging resources out there, but if you tend to lack focus (like me!) you can end up reading endless strategies and theories online without ever taking action.

The times that I have seen the biggest periods of growth in my blog are when I have paid for, and followed, various blogging courses, run by proven experts in the areas I want to improve in.

If you are just starting out, you might not want to spend money in blogging courses yet.

I didn’t either, in the beginning! But that was a mistake.

If you are a thinking of starting a blog, or if you already have a blog and want to grow, I want to let you know about the number one blogging product that I look forward to buying every year: the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit.

Please note that the links in this post are affiliate links. That means that I may earn a commission for any purchases made through my links. Thank you for supporting my site! 🙂

The Genius Blogger's Toolkit 2019 is BACK for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! This is the one blogging purchase I make every year because it's such good value. But quick - it's only on sale for one week! Click through for my full review!

What is the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit?

The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is a GIANT bundle of courses and resources for bloggers.

It’s a one-off chance to purchase dozens of products to help grow (or start!) your blog, for one low price. 

The bundle includes online courses, ebooks, worksheets, spreadsheets, legal templates, stock photos and more.

Here are just some of the topics covered in the bundle:

  • Starting a blog
  • Content creation
  • SEO
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Creating and selling online products
  • Blog design and branding
  • Tech skills
  • Budgeting and finance for bloggers
  • Productivity 
  • Legal essentials
  • How to sell websites for profit

It also covers other online media such as podcasting, vlogging and Instagram, as well as courses on working from home, writing books and working as a virtual assistant.

Some of the courses in these areas are designed for bloggers, but others can stand independently – so you might find value in this bundle if you make (or plan to make) money online in other ways, even without a blog.

Jump to the full list of all the products further down this page.

If you purchased the 94 products in this bundle individually, the combined price would be $7395.27 (over £6,000)!!!!

But thanks to this special offer, you can get all 94 products for only $97.00 (£79)! 

The offer starts on Wednesday October 2 at 8am ET (1pm UK time) and ENDS on Monday October 7 at 11:59pm ET (Tuesday 8th at 4:59am UK time).

Genius Blogger's Toolkit 2019 full bundle image on desktop, phone and tablet

Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2019: essential facts

  • Price: $97.00 
  • Value: $7395.27
  • Contents: 26 eBooks, 55 eCourses, 7 workbooks & printables, 5 templates & stock photo collections and a membership site.

The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is ONLY AVAILABLE from Wednesday October 2 at 8am ET (1pm UK time) to Monday October 7 at 11:59pm ET (Tuesday 8th at 4:59am UK time).


How is this possible?

The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is available at such a low price because all the contributors agree to pool their resources together and promote as a bundle for a limited time only.

The contributors benefit by growing their audience. Even if they don’t make as much money as normal by selling their products so low, they hope they can win some new fans in the process.

The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is put together by a company called Ultimate Bundles. Ultimate Bundles run similar flash sales on bundles on various topics throughout the year. Previous bundles covered topics such as photography, meal planning, homemaking, personal finance, essential oils and more – pretty varied, as you can see! The one thing the bundles have in common is that they all contain dozens of products for a tiny fraction of the combined price.


By the way, if you are a blogger, are you signed up as an Ultimate Bundles affiliate?

They offer a generous 40% commission on every bundle you sell. They are genuinely such good value for money that you can feel really good about promoting them. And because they cover so many different topics, you are bound to find at least one bundle that is a good fit for your audience.

Sign up as an Ultimate Bundles affiliate here.

Is the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit a scam?

I think many people think there is something dodgy about the Ultimate Bundles. It’s hard to understand how they can sell so many products so cheaply.

The main reason that contributors offer their products so cheaply, as I mentioned above, is that they can reach a wide audience very quickly. They can also make money by promoting the bundle as an affiliate to their own audience.

I have bought the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit every year since I started blogging (this is my third year!), even before I became an affiliate for it. I can tell you it’s 100% legit and not a scam at all! 

After purchase, you’ll be sent a link to the download page where you can access your bundle instantly. Some products (such as ebooks) can be downloaded directly from this page. For other products (such as courses), you’ll have to make an account through the sales page for that product, but you will be provided with a special coupon code to join for free.

You have six months to download or access all the products. But once you’ve downloaded them, you can keep them forever.

This is legit a one-time offer. There is a GBTK every year but the products are always different.

Also, Ultimate Bundles often bring each bundle back for a flash sale (usually just two days) a few months later on, but this is not confirmed, and the price and bonuses may not be the same.

Is the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit for beginner bloggers or advanced bloggers?

The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is suitable for anyone at any stage of their blogging journey, whether you are already a pro blogger or you’re just about to set up your first site.

This is because their are products inside the bundle aimed at every level. Not every product is relevant to every customer. You have to pick and choose the products that are relevant to you.

For example, I’ve been blogging for about three years and I already make a full time income from my blogs, so I won’t bother downloading the beginner courses.

But I still purchased the bundle, because there are several higher level courses that I am interested in.

If you are a beginner blogger, some of the courses in the bundle will be over you head right now. But there is a whole section called ‘Getting Started’ with 5 courses and a workbook all aimed at starting your blog from scratch with the goal of being successful from the start!

Here's the perfect resource to start your blog the right way.

Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2019: my honest review

I have bought the GBTK every year since I started blogging and this year, I knew I would buy it even before I saw which products were included.

This is because I know that every year, there are multiple courses and resources that I would be willing to pay for individually – and most of these courses individually cost more than the bundle price!

So if there is only one course that I take and learn from, I’ve already made a saving. It’s basically 94 courses for less than the price of one 🙂

As I wrote above, taking (and implementing!) blogging courses is the one thing that has made the biggest difference to my blog growth. 

If you suffer from lack of direction like me, it really, really helps to have a course that you can follow step by step. I have almost always seen great results when I do this! And every year, there are valuable products in the GBTK that I know will make a difference to my blog.

Any negatives?

If there’s a downside to the GBTK, I would say that it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of resources in the bundle. It can be difficult to know where to start. 

My advice is, don’t even attempt to use all the products!

Just think about 2 or 3 things you would like to work on this year and then pick out the few courses or workbooks that will help you with that goal.

I don’t use all the products in the GBTK each year. In fact, I only actually use a tiny fraction – probably 5-10 out of around 100 products in the bundle each year. But I get enough value out of those products that it doesn’t matter about the rest.

Also, I do try to download/save as many as I can. That way I am building up my own little blogging library for when I might need it in the future.

So in short, do I recommend the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit? YES!

Whether you are a beginner or a pro blogger, if you can just find two or three products that you intend to use from this bundle, it will be worth it. And most of you will use many, many more than that!


My top picks from the GBTK 2019

Here are the products I’m most looking forward to using from the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2019:

eBook Bestseller Bootcamp: The Ultimate Self-Publishing Course For Bloggers (eCourse) by Ana Savuica (usually sold for $197.00)

Publishing my first eBooks is on my to do list for this year. Ana Savuica is an entrepreneur I follow online, and I’m a big fan of her teachings. She has published three eBooks that earn her between $500 and $3,500 in revenue each month. I SO nearly purchased this course when she released it a few months ago, but it wasn’t in the budget at the time. I’m so please I held off, because now I can get it for free in this $97 bundle!

Pin Practical Influence (eCourse) by Monica Froese (usually sold for $197.00)

Long term readers know that one of my most profitable side hustles from a year or so back was pinning affiliate links on Pinterest. I still do some affiliate pinning, but basically ran out of steam after following the same old strategy for so long. Then I heard about this course by Monica Froese, who made $18,000 from a 5-day affiliate launch on Pinterest! This course looks to be the more advanced version of the other Pinterest affiliate courses I’ve taken. It covers advanced strategies such as promoted pins and sales funnels. This is another course that was on my to-buy list already, and I’m so excited to get stuck in!

Manual Pinning Simplified (eBook) by Kyla Sims (usually sold for $34.00)

Manual pinning transformed my blog traffic when I started implementing it last year. But it is really hard to keep up with on a regular basis, especially now I have a kid and can’t sit down at the computer at the same time each day. This course teaches a strategy for staying organised while manual pinning from your smartphone. I hope it will help me get back into manual pinning and give my blog traffic a boost.

A Blog Flipping Masterclass: How To Develop & Sell Your Blog For Profit (eCourse) by Chelsea Clarke (usually sold for $127.00)

A third course that has been on my shopping list for a while! My guilty secret is that I’m addicted to buying new domain names and starting new blogs. I love the initial stages of setting up a site and publishing the first few articles. But my main profitable blog (this one) takes so much energy that I just can’t invest the time to build up multiple sites. I’m interested in selling off some of my other sites, and if it works well I might even start a regular side hustle out of building and selling starter sites! Chelsea Clarke is another one of my respected blogging mentors and this course seems to have all the info I need to make a profit from selling off smaller blogs.

Saving of $458!

These are the top four courses from the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2019 I’m planning to start with. These aren’t the only courses I’m planning to take, but they’re the ones I’m prioritising. Three of them were already on my wish list! 

If I bought all these courses separately, the combined cost would be $555. But I’ve already got my hands on all of them – plus 90 other valuable resources – for just $97.

Of course, your top courses might be different from mine. I recommend you do a similar exercise – look through the product list below and pick out the top few products you want to use, then see what the combined cost would be and whether you’d make a saving.

Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2019: what’s included? Full product list!

All of the products in the 2019 GBTK (ebook cover images)

Get Started (6 products worth $680.00)

  • Blog To Biz Blueprint (eBook) by Janica Khemlani-Briongos $37.00
    This product acts as a roadmap on how blogging can be turned into a business.
  • Goodbye 9 to 5 (eCourse) by Sagan Morrow $199.00
    How to transition out of your 9 to 5 office job and into working from home full-time… in just 3 months!
  • Intentional Blog (eCourse) by Jeff Goins $197.00
    It’s time to focus on what really matters. Time to learn the essentials of blogging and finally build a blog worth noticing. And with this proven system, you are going to get to where you want to go much faster.
  • Kickstart Your Blog (eCourse) by Raelyn Tan $97.00
    The step-by-step beginner course that will help you start and grow a new blog and business profitably, even when you have no tech knowledge and minimal time.
  • Start a Blog the Right Way (eCourse) by Anna Sokyrka $97.00
    How to start a successful blog in one month without being a tech wizard, an incredible writer or breaking the bank.
  • Work from Home Made Easy: Business Plan Bundle (Workbook) by Claudia Garbutt $53.00
    Teaches you all the essential online business basics you need to know so you can build a rock-solid foundation for a sustainable and profitable online business.

Building Your Blog (7 products worth $1234.00)

  • Become a Blog Boss (eCourse) by Lynne G. Caine $497.00
    A systematic and strategic course for a highly profitable and highly successful blog.
  • Bloggers’ Secrets (eCourse) by Kelan & Brittany Kline $497.00
    The proven expert strategies that will turn your struggling blog into a life-changing profitable online business!
  • Building Your Profitable Blog (eBook) by Emma Quay $28.00 The most comprehensive guide to start a blog and turn it into a real, profitable business.
  • Elementor for Bloggers (eCourse) by Pete McPherson $39.00
    A step-by-step walkthrough of the best drag-n-drop plugin of all time.
  • Pop & Sizzle Websites: Guide to WordPress & Divi Theme (eCourse) by Julia McPherson $97.00
    Create your gorgeous WordPress Website with the Divi Theme and start blogging in just a few hours without complex coding.
  • Sales Page Starter (eCourse) by Emma Bates $29.00
    Learn how to use an outline to create amazing sales pages in no time!
  • WordPress 5.0 Masterclass (eCourse) by Bob Lotich $47.00
    Master Gutenberg in less than 90 minutes!

Content Creation & Promotion (5 products worth $205.00)

  • Content Creation 101 (eCourse) by Crystal Paine $37.00
    Write effective, engaging blog posts, design a content system that helps you streamline your workflow, boost your blog posts’ effectiveness with images and links, and promote your content so you can increase your reach.
  • Content Strategy Toolkit for Service Based Businesses (eCourse) by Jocelyn Kopac $97.00
    Learn to create, produce and publish content for your business that helps you make sales, educates your audience and positions you ​as an expert.
  • Cranking Out Quality: A Blogger’s Guide to Crushing Content Creation (eBook) by Heather O’Donnell $27.00
    A guide to creating high quality content quickly by learning to efficiently use your precious blogging time. 
  • One Year Content Planner: Blog & Social Media Planning Workbook (Workbook) by Laurie Cosgrove $17.00
    A 25-page workbook help you plan a year’s worth of blog and social media content without getting overwhelmed.
  • Promote Your Content (eBook) by Tonia Kendrick $27.00
    How to create a successful content promotion plan.

Affiliate Marketing (5 products worth $222.99)

  • Affiliate Marketing, Simplified! (eCourse) by Catherine Rosales $47.00
    Everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and making money from your blog!
  • Affiliate Promo Prep (eCourse) by Matt McWilliams $97.00
    Everything you need to know to succeed in your next affiliate promotion.
  • Amazon Affiliate Affluence: How to Make Money as an Amazon Affiliate (eBook) by Dale Persons $25.00
    Everything you need to know about making money with the Amazon affiliate program.
  • Gift Guides Creation (eCourse) by Tracy Lynn $34.00
    Now you can create evergreen content that will bring in passive income while you sleep with gift guides! 
  • How to Earn Income as a Christian Blogger on Black Friday and Cyber Monday (eBook) by Sara Borgstede $19.99
    Your step by step guide to earning income on the biggest shopping days of the year.


Branding (4 products worth $106.94)

  • Impact (eCourse) by Faith Mariah $49.00
    If you’ve ever felt scared to be visible or nervous to speak your truth this course is for you.
  • Simply Branded (Workbook) by Amanda Garvin $27.00
    A fill-in-the-blank style workbook to define your brand strategy and identity.
  • The Authentic Blog Project (eBook) by Hannah Rinaldie $24.99
    Break free from algorithms and make money blogging authentically.
  • The Happy Creative (Workbook) by Laura Orlando $5.95
    A complete mentoring book that helps you approach your business with fresh eyes, to find success, profit, & happiness.

Design (4 products worth $228.00)

  • 100 Professional & Beautiful Stock Photos (Photos) by Emma Drew $37.00
    Enjoy a collection of stunning, high-quality stock photos so you can put focus and attention on the areas of your life, blog and business that really need it the most.
  • Design Like a Pro with Canva (eCourse) by Jada Aloisio $47.00
    How to design Canva pins without having them look like Canva.
  • Designing With Typography (eCourse) by Kimi Kinsey $97.00
    How to utilize typography to create graphics that convert from views, to clicks, to sales.
  • Graphic Design for Bloggers: Design Principles for Online Marketing (eCourse) by Kara Fidd $47.00
    Crash course in graphic design concepts for bloggers

Monetization (4 products worth $221.97)

  • A Blog Flipping Masterclass: How To Develop & Sell Your Blog For Profit (eCourse) by Chelsea Clarke $127.00
    A blog flipping course helping you learn how to buy, monetize and sell blogs for profit. 
  • Moving from Popular to Profitable (Workshop) by Talaat & Tai McNeely $47.00
    This teaching will show you the importance that both popularity and profitability have in your business. You will be provided with the know-how to take your brand to the next level.
  • Creative Cash (eBook) by Joelle Byrne $10.98
    10 steps that come together to give you an exact plan to create a really profitable creative business! So you can earn more and spend more time doing the things you love while continuing to love your business!
  • Small Blog, Big Income: One Niche Blogger’s 7-Step Success Formula (eBook) by Carol Tice $27.00
    Learn the fundamental steps to creating a blog that earns you a full-time living.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Selling a Blog: How to Sell Your Blog for Six Figures and Be Your Own Broker (eBook) by Carrie Smith Nicholson $9.99
    Thinking of selling your blog? How much is it worth? Where can you find buyers? Do you need a broker or lawyer? Is your site worth something even with low traffic? You’ll find all the answers to your questions in this epic guide.

Creating & Selling Products (6 products worth $695.00)

  • eBook Bestseller Bootcamp: The Ultimate Self-Publishing Course For Bloggers (eCourse) by Ana Savuica $197.00
    The ultimate self-publishing course for online creatives.
  • Create Your Perfect Opt in Freebie, in Four Simple Steps (eCourse) by Vanessa Ryan $97.00
    Helps you create an opt in that people will absolutely love, so you can start attracting the right clients and customers in just four simple steps.
  • Premier Your Course Idea (eCourse) by Katie Hornor
    A 5-part course to find and validate your perfect course idea. No more wondering if your course will sell!
  • The Creative Side Hustle Manual (eBook) by Elizabeth Emery $27.00
    Make money to support your blog costs, build a series of products around YOU and your brand and market yourself in a unique and memorable way.
  • The Printables Playbook (eCourse) by Jayleen Creates $10.00
    Takes the overwhelm away and walks you through how to create printables, with affordable software, you can use, share, and sell with confidence!
  • Tripwire 101 For Bloggers: Start Making Money With Your Blog (eCourse) by Saira Perl $67.00
    How to use tripwires to start making money with your blog.

Beyond Blogging (3 products worth $384.97)

  • Non-Fiction Book Proposal Template (eBook) by Becky Kopitzke
    This 41-page digital download provides a sample non-fiction book proposal with tutorial notes on best practices for writing and formatting your own winning proposal.
  • Virtual Assistant Jumpstart: How I Went From $0 to $3000 In Three Months (eCourse) by Alexandrea Harrelson $297.00
    Everything you need and more to get your Virtual Assistant business started on the right foot!
  • You Can Sit With Us! A Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Online Networking (eBook) by Holly Isaacson $7.97
    Outlines the benefits of participating in online networking groups, finding an accountability partner, and provides a directory for you to access networks of current female entrepreneurs just like you!

Email Marketing (7 products worth $481.95)

  • Email List Building Crash Course (Workbook) by Beyond Basic Blogging $7.00
    In-depth strategies for new and intermediate bloggers for growing, promoting, and connecting with your audience via email.
  • Email Writing Secrets (eBook) by Kerry Beck $9.95
    Discover how to create your email marketing funnel, as well as how to write emails that get opened, read and acted upon so you can make money from your email list.
  • List Building Insanity (eCourse) by Brianna Berner $97.00
    Build a tribe of raving fans and sell out your next program with total grace and ease.
  • List by Number (eCourse) by Suzi Whitford $57.00
    Shows you everything you need to know about Convertkit or MailerLite to grow your email list!
  • Smart Email List Building (eCourse) by Rachel Newcomb $47.00
    Teaches you simple strategies to start and grow your email list.
  • Supercharge Your Marketing (eBook) by Lori Riddle $197.00
    Discover the proven strategies that will help you easily market your business while spending less time, make more money and enjoy more freedom than you ever thought possible!
  • The Digital Marketer’s Quickstart Guide to Profitable Funnels (eCourse) by Cindy Bidar $67.00
    A 4-part video training designed to help you create profitable funnels fast. Includes checklists, worksheets, templates and more.

SEO & Traffic (9 products worth $787.99)

  • Boost Your Blog Traffic: 50 Strategic Steps to Increase Traffic To Your Website and Make It A Success (eCourse) by Frances Vidakovic $47.00
    With over 50 lessons, this is a simple yet comprehensive course designed to immediately help you boost your website or blog traffic in a strategic yet effective way.
  • Health and Wellness Bloggers NEED to Know (eCourse) by Leesa Klich $110.00
    Stop worrying about getting a search engine or social media penalty for spreading “fake news” or misinformation!
  • ROI Action Plan: Where to Focus Your Time to Make the Most Money When You Have Limited Time (eCourse) by Caroline Vencil $47.00
    Stop wasting time on things that don’t matter for your blog – find the things you can do to make the biggest impact on your blog and on the money you make from it.
  • SEO Playbook for Bloggers (eBook) by Niki Robinson $49.00 Covers all you need to know to start optimizing your posts for search.
  • Social Boom (eCourse) by Ruth Soukup $297.00
    The course designed to show you how to use Facebook, Pinterest, & Instagram to drive explosive growth (and profits) for your brand or business. 
  • The Beginner’s 40 Day Action Plan for SEO Success (eBook) by Sarah Hardee $9.99
    Get the action plan to tackle SEO to grow your business, generate more leads, and increase your income through organic, free traffic from Google.
  • The Blogging Machine (eCourse) by Sandra Clayton $199.00
    Walks you through the exact system you can use to create an endless flow of traffic that generates leads and sales like clockwork.
  • The Secret Sauce to Skyrocketing Your Blog Traffic (eBook) by Angela Mary Vaz $29.00
    An eBook that will take your blog from newbie level to intermediate/advanced. This ebook will help you gain long-term traffic and will teach you how to build an audience that keeps coming back for more.  


Pinterest (7 products worth $440.00)

  • Explosive Traffic with Tribes (eBook) by Maria Juvakka
    Explosive Traffic With Tribes shows you how you can double your Pinterest traffic using Tailwind Tribes in 90 days even with a small blog!
  • Manual Pinning Simplified (eBook) by Kyla Sims $34.00
    The super simple smartphone pinning system for busy bloggers.
  • Next Level Pin Designs: Everything you need to design NEXT LEVEL Pinterest Pins for FREE in Canva (eCourse) by Nadalie Bardo $49.00
    You don’t need to be a graphic designer to design click-worthy pins!
  • Photoshop Pinterest Pin Templates (Templates) by Carly Campbell
    Photoshop Pinterest pin templates for quick and easy pin creation.
  • Pin Practical Influence (eCourse) by Monica Froese $197.00 Learn the simple formula for turning your free Pinterest traffic into passive income!
  • Pinsider Secrets: Strategies To Launch A Brand New Pinterest Account (eBook) by McKinzie Bean $27.00 Secret strategies to launch a brand new Pinterest account.
  • The Pinterest Studio (eCourse) by Katie Grazer Helps you to create viral blog traffic and start selling more of your awesome products and services to loyal fans by teaching your easy but effective Pinterest strategies!

Instagram (4 products worth $227.50)

  • Authentic Instagram Engagement (eCourse) by Ruthie Gray $75.00
    Seven solid strategies to build a responsive tribe.
  • Gram Gorgeous: My Favorite Apps for Getting Creative on Instagram (eBook) by Andi Eaton $26.50
    A beautiful guide book to elevate your digital creating packed with visual examples and top apps for getting creative on IG.
  • Instagram Content System (eCourse) by Helene Sula $99.00
    Create captions that convert, encourage, and engage your audience while saving you time!
  • Instagram Sales Funnel Challenges (eCourse) by Lauren Lambie $27.00
    Step by step training to design, create and launch your first sales funnel in Instagram. 

Facebook & Twitter (4 products worth $261.99)

  • 101 Prompts for an Engaged Facebook Group (eBook) by Karen Shopoff Rooff $4.99
    Stop talking to yourself! Drive audience interaction and build loyalty by learning what types of prompts to use, how frequently to use them, and other strategies to cultivate an engaged Facebook group.
  • FB Ads for Affiliate Offers: Boost your Affiliate Earnings with a Brilliant Ads Strategy (eCourse) by Beth Anne Schwamberger $79.00
    Amplify your affiliate promotions with ads!
  • How To Grow Your Blogging Income Through Facebook Ads (eCourse) by Jessica Festa $149.00
    Stop wasting money on ads that don’t work, and start seeing more conversions.
  • Twitter Training for Direct Sales: Small Business and Blogging Success (eCourse) by Joni Kinney $29.00
    Teaches you how to use Twitter as part of your marketing strategy. 

Podcasting & Vlogging (5 products worth $158.98)

  • Live Streaming 101: Start Live Streaming with Knowledge and Confidence (eCourse) by Vicky Lashenko $47.00
    Everything you need to know to start live streaming with or without software!
  • Plan Your Podcast Playbook (eBook) by Robyn Roste $7.99
    If you dream of launching a podcast but you don’t know what to do next, this book is for you.
  • Podcast Launch Toolkit (eCourse) by Jenny Suneson $47.00
    Learn how to go from brilliant idea to launch in just 60 days. 
  • Podcasting for Bloggers (eBook) by Kara Carrero $9.99
    Learn to bridge the gap between podcasting and blogging to create a complete media kit for yourself that includes the audio component of podcasting.
  • YouTube TakeOff Quick-Start Course: How to Start a Channel with a Growth Trajectory (eCourse) by Jennifer Maker $47.00
    Learn how to grow your YouTube channel to attract visitors to your blog, increase your mailing list, and expand your revenue!

Productivity & Organization (6 products worth $257.00)

  • #GSD with ClickUp (eCourse) by Lindsey Aleson $97.00
    Start getting s#!t done and being more productive with ClickUp 2.0.
  • Believe, Plan, Act: A Platform + Productivity Planner for Writers (Workbook) by Kimberley Grabas $37.00
    Your catalyst to achieving your biggest goals – without spinning your wheels.
  • Get Chaos Organized for Mom Bloggers (eCourse) by Kristine Beaves
    Finding balance in life, work, and motherhood while being more present with your kids and working and living smarter (not harder).
  • Live that 300 Tabs Life: A Workona Chrome Course for Tab Addicts (eCourse) by Elizebeth Gidley $27.00
    Organize those excessive tabs and create distraction free workspaces for blogging!
  • Piece of Cake: 42 Simple Systems For Your Business (eBook) by Mel Smith
    The most efficient way to run your business without spending all your time on your laptop.
  • The Ultimate Monthly Blog Planner (Printable) by Cassie Scroggins
    The ultimate printable 47-page blogging resource for organization and growth.

Finance & Legalese (5 products worth $212.99)

  • Affiliate Terms and Conditions Template and Disclosure Swipe Copy (Template) by Elizabeth Stapleton $98.00
    A quick and easy to use template to create the terms and conditions of your affiliate program.
  • Blog Budget Spreadsheet (Template) by Lena Gott $37.00
    A customizable Excel template with multiple tabs (including instructions) and three versions of the base budget depending on what level of detail you need.
  • Privacy Policy Template (eCourse) by Lucrezia Iapichino $47.00
    GDPR compliant privacy policy & cookie policy templates professionally drafted by a seasoned lawyer to have your policies ready in less than 10 minutes, + bonus lessons on legal requirements for blogs.
  • The Blogger’s Finance Workshop (eCourse) by Elizabeth Harrin $27.00
    A workbook and video to help you plan out how to increase your blogging income.
  • The Blogger’s Simple Guide to Taxes: A Guide to Saving Time and Money (eBook) by Sarah Korhnak $3.99
    This easy to read guide will help you quickly understand all you need to know about taxes as a blogger so you can spend your time focusing on what you love most . . . blogging!

Tech & Support (3 products worth $588.00)

  • Blogger’s Glitterati VIP Hub: 12 Month Membership (Membership Site) by Sasha Lassey $444.00 All the tools you need for blogging success including a 30 Days to Start Your Blog interactive calendar, tips for beginner blogging success, an exclusive Facebook group with live group mentoring and MORE!
  • Blogging Camp (eCourse) by Julie Chickery, Liz Wilcox, Lindsay McKenzie & Camille Attell $97.00
    Teaches you the four foundations of a successful blog to help you weed out the unimportant and take action each day!
  • Tech Made Easy (eCourse) by Julie Chickery $47.00
    Provides the technical skills needed to create and manage a blog. It covers WordPress, Email Management, Graphic Design, and Pinterest all through video lessons that walk you through the steps to manage each task.   


  • FREE 2 MONTHS Shaker subscription from Podia, $158 value
    • Existing customers get a FREE 30-minute One-on-One Sales Coaching Session 
  • TWO MONTHS FREE from Convert Kit, $58
    • Existing customer get five free visual automation templates
  • FREE 2-month Unlimited Subscription from Stencil, $40 value 
  • $45 off of Tailwind for Pinterest or Instagram from Tailwind App, $45 value
    • Existing customers get to beta test their new Instagram bio link tool
  • FREE Site Scan + Content Audit Statistical Report (with a $7 processing fee) from The Blog Fixer, $65 value
  • FIVE FREE FONTS from The Hungry JPEG, $22


Genius Blogger's Toolkit: a woman blogging on her laptop