4 Tips For Blog Monetisation

In the early days of the internet, blogs were mainly used as personal journals. Now, they’re used to provide information, entertainment, and everything in between. These days, the massive diversity in blogs attracts up to 77% of all internet users around the world. In the UK, blogs have become so successful that recent Statista surveys … Read more

How Do Bloggers Get Paid? Here’s How To Actually Make Money With Your Blog

a female blogger sitting at her laptop with mobile phone at an outside desk in exotic location

In my eyes, blogging is the dream job!

You set your own hours, you don’t have to answer to anyone, and your earning potential is pretty much unlimited.

Perhaps you already have a blog, but it’s not earning anything yet.

(If you haven’t started yet, here’s my tutorial on how to get your blog up and running.)

Or maybe you’ve just heard that people make money blogging, and you’re curious: how do bloggers get paid?

Blogging opens the door to literally dozens of different revenue streams. But in the beginning, let’s keep things simple.

Here are the four most common ways to make money with your blog – even as a beginner! Many successful bloggers utilise all of them, but if you’re just starting out I recommend you pick one and master it before moving on.

Let’s break it down:

By the way, this post contains affiliate and referral links. That means that if you make a purchase or sign up for some of the opportunities listed below, I may earn a commission – at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my site! 

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Blogging as a Side Hustle [Side Hustle Case Study]

blogging as a side hustle

Here’s the next installment in our side hustle case study series, where real people share how they make extra money in their spare time!

This week, Clare from My Money Cottage is sharing how she makes a great extra income from blogging – alongside three children, a part time job and other side hustles!

I love this interview because Clare is living proof that it’s possible to make a life-changing income from your side hustle, even if you only have limited time.

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