Time To Start Repping Your Side Hustle

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If you ever want your side hustle to be more than a side hustle, then you have to start treating it like a business. This includes moving it from part-time to full-time, but that’s not all. It needs representation, to be given the respect and the weight it deserves. You’re going to earn that, but you also have to be the first to give it.

Talk about it

All small businesses find success on the same path. Find one thing and do it really well. Beyond having a focused value proposition to the customer, it’s also going to help you become something of an expert in your field. When you have the kind of experience that you can start talking from a position of authority to others, you should start doing it. You can host your own podcast, you can contribute guest content to big business blogs, you can even find guest spots on webinars. Your business is a different beast from you as a person. But a strong personal brand, especially as an expert, can help your business look like it has some serious weight behind it.

Build the brand

That’s not to say that your business shouldn’t be able to stand on its own two feet. It’s clear that it should have some weight and focus on its own. If you’re still operating under the image of a freelancer or a side-hustle, it’s time to change that. Spend time (and a little money) designing and honing a professional brand. Figure out how to best present the business to the target market and make it a consistent feature of the business.

Wear the brand

As you grow from side hustle to business, you’re going to have more people and more opportunities to represent it. This might include taking a team to live events such as conferences and networking events. These are perfect opportunities to capitalise and make your brand stand out all the more by spreading it around. Beyond having branded stalls and promotional materials, have some freebies to both give out and wear like pins from The Pin Factory. Even something as small as that can help spread the image and spread the name of the business, further cementing it as a part of the industry.

Puff it up

Most small businesses are going to face this hurdle. To truly start scaling, you need to need to look a little bigger than you are. Otherwise, you face the same stigma as anyone with a home office: that you’re not serious. There are plenty of ways to make your business look bigger as suggested by Smallville. You can use a virtual address, for instance, or you can use social media management tools to create a bigger, more productive online presence. Don’t think of it as dishonesty, just think of it as setting yourself big standards to fulfill in the business.

Start transforming your side hustle into a business by representing it properly. It’s a vital step in building brand legitimacy, honing your message, and reaching more customers than ever before.


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