6 Awesome Money Podcasts to Download Now

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Do you listen to podcasts?

I’ve recently become OBSESSED with them!

Yes, I know I’m a few years behind everyone else, but I’ve just got into podcasts in the last few months. And they’re having a huge impact on my life.

Suddenly I’m learning new things like never before. After some trial and error, I’ve found some podcasts by excellent teachers and motivators who always leave me feeling inspired.

Podcasts are great to listen to when you’re doing other tasks that don’t require much brain power, like cooking, cleaning and commuting. Just by slotting them in while doing these kinds of activities, I’m listening to at least an hour a day of fantastic content.

I listen to podcasts on all kinds of topics but especially blogging, entrepreneurship, internet marketing and of course MONEY.

Here are 6 of my personal favourites that will teach you all about managing your money and getting on top of your finances.

6 of the best money podcasts to download now! Want to learn about money and improve your personal finances? These podcasts have got your back.

Afford Anything by Paula Pant

Paula Pant’s motto is: you can afford anything you want, but you can’t afford everything. Paula went from a 9 to 5 job, to being a full-time backpacker, to freelancing, to building up a passive income portfolio that allowed her to quit traditional work altogether. Paula’s all about freedom: specifically, the kind of freedom to live your life how you want, in the way that you can only really achieve when you don’t have to worry about money. She dishes out a lot of practical advice on investing and real estate, together with insightful commentary that will help you to change your money mindset.

Money to the Masses by Damien Fahy

Money expert Damien Fahy set up his site Money To The Masses to bring free financial advice to everyone, believing that money knowledge shouldn’t just be limited to those who can afford a financial advisor. In this podcast he talks all things money, from investing and tax to money saving hacks. Damien is very down to earth and has a knack of making even the drier financial topics simple and interesting. I recommend this podcast to anyone in the UK who wants to understand how to manage their money better (it is definitely very UK-focused, although you might learn a tip or two that will work elsewhere too). And if you have an entrepreneurial streak, you’ll also love Damien’s newer podcast One Giant Leap where he interviews people who’ve left their day jobs to set up their own business.

Words and Money with Tess Wicks

This is a personal finance podcast for women. Each week, Tess Wicks talks to a different awesome woman who’s crushing it money-wise. Whether they’re an expert investor, a successful business owner or a blogger with a story to tell, each episode is full of advice and inspiration. I always find it really motivating to listen to other people’s success stories, and it also makes a nice change in the personal finance space to hear everything from a female perspective.

Cash Chats with Andy Webb

This podcast is produced by Andy Webb, the man behind the award-winning blog Be Clever With Your Cash and the UK money bloggers community. Each week he brings a different British money blogger on his podcast to chat all things money. Usually they talk about one or two of the guest’s recent posts, as well as any other money tips they want to share. What I love about this one is that it showcases a great range of bloggers. It’s a fantastic way to hear loads of top tips on money saving, money making and money management from people with a whole range of experience. Also, as a blog-reading fiend, it’s a great way to discover new bloggers to follow!

Bad With Money with Gaby Dunn

As you can guess from the name, this is not a podcast for people who are totally on top of their finances. This is for people who struggle with money and don’t know why. It’s an open, honest conversation that acknowledges the stress money often causes, but also explains what you need to know to get back control. Gaby Dunn interviews loads of great guests who are money experts but usually bring a different perspective to mainstream personal finance gurus. The show also talks about money issues affecting people who often don’t have the same access to standard financial structures, such as sex workers and migrants. I always learn a lot from this show, although be warned it will probably leave you wanting to smash the system!

You Need a Budget with Jesse Mecham

You Need a Budget (or YNAB for short) is the budgeting program that I use to stay on top of my money. In this podcast, YNAB founder Jesse Mecham delivers short, sweet and energetic advice on budgeting and saving money. Each episode is less than five minutes. This is great when you don’t want to listen to a full podcast but you need a quick dose of financial motivation! I really enjoy Jesse’s podcast because he reminds me why I started budgeting in the first place and keeps me excited about my financial goals.


I’m always on the lookout for other great podcasts to download! Which are your favourites? Let me know in the comments!

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