5 Must-Read Money Articles I’ve Read This Month

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Since I’ve started this blog I’ve started reading a LOT of other personal finance blogs and articles. Basically, I’m making an effort to be more clued up money-wise in general! I thought I would start a semi-regular post series rounding up the best articles I’ve come across.

These are all pieces that I’ve found helpful, motivating or just interesting. There’s no particular theme – side hustling, investing, budgeting, anything money-related that I enjoyed this month!

Some of them are new articles, and some are older posts which I’ve only just discovered. Either way, enjoy!

And let me know if you have any of your own favourite posts that I should check out 🙂

7 Rules I Used to Save $100,000 by Age 25 by My Money Wizard on Millenial Money Man

This article is basically a complete guide to personal finance in one post! From getting the right mindset to investing to, there are so many tips here that anyone can learn from, regardless of your age or financial situation. I especially loved what he writes about side hustling, as it echoes my own revelations I wrote about recently:

Side hustles are not just powerful through the extra income they create. They have a much more profound psychological impact in proving that your earning capabilities are not contingent on your annual salary, your boss’s opinion, or office politics.

Yes! This is why you need a side hustle now.

If You Can Afford to Spend It, You Can Afford to Save It by J Money at Budgets are Sexy

I love the Budgets are Sexy blog! This post is based on an email from a reader, who shares an amazingly simple but ingenious tip for cutting your spending and increasing your saving at the same time. I also love reading really candid posts about other people’s financial situations. Mostly because I’m nosy, but also because I can learn a lot about my own money issues through comparison 🙂

7 Truths You Need To Accept To Survive An Entry-Level Salary by Desirae Odjick on The Financial Diet

Seven excellent tips for anyone on a low salary, but particularly aimed at graduates starting their first job. I wish I had read these in my early twenties! With every job I’ve ever been offered, I’ve always struggled with knowing if the salary is reasonable, and whenever I’ve moved to a new area or changed my living situation I had no idea how to plan much I would need to live. If that sounds like you, this article will help point you in the right direction.

Don’t Be a Guru – Be a Contributor by Denise Duffield-Thomas at LuckyBitch.com

One of my fave new finds is Denise Duffield-Thomas. She writes about helping women get rich by examining their attitudes to money and identifying the beliefs or habits that might be holding them back. I’ve been listening to her podcasts lately and they are all short, sweet and super motivating! In this article she talks about seeing yourself as a contributor to a conversation or issue rather than aiming to be a guru.

The idea is that you don’t have to be an expert. You can create a business, book, blog etc around anything that you are interested in, and someone will find value in your unique perspective. You don’t need all the answers – you just need something to contribute!

I found this a really liberating thought with regards to my blog and a couple of other business ideas I’m playing around with at the moment. In particular, this article will be a really useful read for anyone suffering from impostor syndrome.

Want to retire in your 30s? Cool! Here’s how I did it by Think Save Retire

I’ve very recently entered the 30s myself, so obviously the title appealed to me! Steve at Think Save Retire was able to quit work at age 35 and here he shares how he did it. What I like about this article is its honesty! He admits that he came from a financially-savvy family, went into a high-paying career and had support from his parents. I think it’s important to be open about our privileges. There are a lot of people in the personal finance space who are achieving amazing things without any of these advantages, but I think it’s important to know that some people do have a bit of a leg up, and you shouldn’t feel guilty whether you do or not. Anyway, Steve also shares some great secrets that anyone can put into action now, regardless of their background. I love this idea about buying things you don’t need:

I realized that every thing I bought added weeks and months onto my working life.

Thinking about purchases in terms of hours at your job really puts things into perspective!

Have you read any great money articles this month? Please let me know in the comments!


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