How Much Money Can You Expect From A Personal Injury Claim?

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From workplace accidents to road traffic incidents, there are so many different scenarios that can lead to personal injury claims. Nonetheless, no matter what injury has been suffered or how it has occurred, there is one thing everyone wants to know… how much compensation can I expect? After all, no one wants to go through the hassle of a personal injury case for peanuts, do they?

Obviously, we cannot provide specific figures in this post. All claims are unique. They are handled on an individual basis so that a fair amount is awarded to the person in question. Therefore, you will never really know how much money you are going to get until you actually get it.

However, we can provide you with an insight into how personal injury compensation is calculated, so you get a good idea of what you can expect. If you would like further information, all you need to do is contact a quality law firm like Companies like this will be willing to listen to what has happened to you and then give you a rough idea regarding the payout you will receive.

But the first thing you need to do is decipher whether you have a strong case to begin with. In order to do this, you should ask yourself the following three questions…

  1. Did the accident happen because of someone else’s error or negligence?
  2. Did it occur within the last three years?
  3. Did you see a medical professional as a result of your injuries?

If you can answer yes to those three questions you definitely have a strong chance of getting compensation. But, how is the amount of money calculated?

  • General Damages – Firstly, you have general damages for claims. This relates to the injury itself and any suffering you have experienced. The more severe the injury is, and the greater impact it has on your life, the more money you will get. It is important to recognize that both physical and psychological injuries are taken into account here.
  • Special Damages – Secondly you have special damages, which essentially relate to any expenses you have encountered because of the injury. Have you had to pay for alternative travel? Are you paying a childminder to look after your kids will you recover? Have you suffered a loss of income due to your inability to work? Keep the receipts for all of this and you will be able to claim for it. If you are currently looking for a childminder while you recover, use the checklist at to narrow down your search effectively.

So there you have it – the guide to how your compensation for is calculated. Don’t forget to keep proof of any expenses you have suffered as a direct consequence of your injuries. You will be able to claim for these but only if you have proof. After all, you can’t launch a claim based on he said, she said.

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