How To Fund A Gap Year As A “Grown Up”!

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Taking a gap year has always been seen as something that teenagers and young adults do after college before entering the “real world” of work.

Thankfully times are changing and you are likely to spot more people of “ a certain age” taking time out to travel than ever before. Our world is huge and diverse with so many experiences and cultures to offer the traveller. If you have always wanted to travel but have responsibilities, do you put your dreams aside forever, or can you make plans to enable your dreams to become a reality?

As an adult, it may not be as simple as packing your bags and setting off whichever way the wind blows you, there will be an element of planning to undertake first. Financial responsibilities and family responsibilities will need to be tackled. Rather than making excuses as to why travelling is not possible, try to be creative in your thinking and find solutions.

Read on for inspiration.

Travelling allows us to recharge our batteries and break away from the usual humdrum of life. Sometimes a two week break away in the summer just isn’t enough and it’s certainly not long enough to experience the different cultures, culinary delights, learning experiences, adventures and freedom to any depth. As an adult there are so many reasons to say why we shouldn’t break away from the usual routines, it almost feels a little self indulgent to fulfill our passion.

However, life has a habit of being shorter than anticipated and if you wish to travel whilst you are still fit and healthy, now is the time to do it. Fear is often the resounding factor which holds us back, conquer this and the solutions to barriers may be easier to find than you think.

Remember that the world has evolved into a much more easily accessible place, with international flights being regular and at reasonable cost. If it all seems too risky to travel too far away from loved ones such as elderly relatives, the internet allows for better communication and there are lawyers such as Slack Davis Sanger Aviation Law firm available for expert advice if required, should a crisis occur.

Read on to discover some of the preventative factors which hold people back from travelling as an adult, along with potential solutions.


If you are a parent or have elderly relatives who depend on you, it’s not as simple as heading off into the sunset on your travels. Plans will need to be put into place. Having children isn’t actually a hindrance and unless they have important exams on the close horizon you could consider travelling as a family. Children learn so much from travelling and grow up with a more balanced view on the world. Travelling as a family is enriching, bonding and you are creating memories which will last a lifetime. Children who see the wonders of the world first hand, rather than just on the pages of a book will learn so much more than they possibly could in the classroom. Research into how travelling will affect schooling and read blogs and accounts of other families who have taken the decision to travel for inspiration.

Having elderly relatives who depend on you can be emotionally difficult when considering leaving the country for a while. Your relatives may not be fit enough to come with you and they possibly may have care needs.

It is worth remembering that if you have access to the internet whilst travelling you could keep in daily contact by skype and facetime. It may not be the same as actually seeing the relative in person, but they can experience your travels with you, if at a distance. Many elderly people will not like to feel as though they are holding you back, also should an emergency occur you could fly back home relatively quickly.

Should your relatives have care needs, there are many experienced and professional companies who offer high quality care to people in their own homes. Do your research and see what’s available in your area.

Financial commitments

Financial responsibilities need to be met whilst you are travelling. There are certain payments such as mortgages and loans that are essential. Unless you have lots of money stashed away to fund these payments whilst you’re away you will need to think up solutions. One consideration is what will you do with your property whilst you are travelling? Leaving it empty means that it is vulnerable to being burgled.

A solution to this is to rent out your property, which will enable you to cover mortgage payments as well as create a little extra cash for funding your travels. Consider letting your house to the short term rental market or holiday market. You will need to ensure your property meets certain health and safety standards and inform your insurance and mortgage provider of your intention.

Reduction in income

Most adults require a certain level of income in order to stay afloat and you will require an income or at least savings to fund your travels. Many employers are open to the idea of employees taking sabbaticals, however this is normally unpaid.

You may need to ensure you have enough savings put aside to enable you to travel, but remember that the costs of flights and accommodation will add up quite quickly, especially if you are travelling as a family. One solution would be to create a “side hustle” so that you can actually earn whilst you travel. Perhaps you have skills in your current job which you could offer easily on a freelance basis or perhaps you have hobbies and interests which could be stepped up in order to make money? As long as you have access to the internet you have the potential to work remotely from all corners of the globe. Jobs which lend themselves to being worked remotely include blogging, photographer, freelance writer, web designer, online tutor and working as an interpreter – to name a few.

Get planning and turn your dreams into reality!

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