Subtlety Is The Golden Marketing Trick

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Marketing. What does this word mean to you? If you’re a business owner, you likely consider it a tool to express your business to those who you hope to interact financially with it. If you’re a consumer, it’s likely something you try to ignore so as to keep a semblance of your own internal thought process during your commute to work. Marketing is all around us. Even scouring the web for a few moments will gift us with a multitude of adverts, some quietly placing themselves in our browsers and some more present and difficult to avoid.

Marketing is something which will remain as long as there are businesses to utilize it, meaning that as a business owner, it behooves you to also pay attention to what works. But what does work in the modern market? We’d suggest that subtlety does. What follows are a list of methods in which subtlety can be your crowning method of gaining new exposure, and gaining it effectively.


If you’re not sure what SEO is by now, then you’re severely lacking in your online marketing know how. Search engine optimization uses written content to raise your affiliate marketing links to higher priority in Google search rankings. That’s it in a nutshell. However, like anything there is good SEO and bad SEO. Bad SEO is on the nose, hosted on bad websites and is too blunt about its aggression towards a sale.

Great SEO is targeted, subtle and written professionally. It’s also directly targeted towards certain demographics. For example, if you’re selling surf boards, then writing guides dictating the benefit of painting surfboards, then you’re providing something positive and useful for the audience. A subtle injection of an affiliate link along with this is not blunt or aggressive, even if it’s perfectly clear why the article was commissioned. You give before you take in this scenario, and people respond to that well.

SEO can be more complex than this of course. In order to make the most of it, we’d recommend viewing the following SEO tips in order to truly improve your strategy.

Points Of Relation

Consumers look for themselves in the brands they wish to purchase. Not only does this mean you are limited in your appeals to the target demographics you keep, but it does offer a range of complex and deep marketing opportunities. To continue the surfboard example, consider exactly what image you should sell to a surfing fanatic. Should you try to sell them a false idea of how great they’ll look with the board, or do you remind them of the emotions they feel around surfing? In this case it would be warm weather, beach communities, barbecues and the beauty of the ocean?

Finding points of relation allow you to pinpoint and dance around the sale of a certain item. If you’re able to do this, you’ll find people respond to your marketing activities with the same mindset they use to prefer and enjoy the activities in their life. This is a powerful thing to tap into, and of course it’s subtle in the max.

Making use of this should reward you with an audience who also respects your brand and the advertising efforts it employs.


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