Spending Less But Having More

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Is this not everyone’s goal in life? Spending less but having more is something we should all be aiming to do. It is the one way we’re going to be able to get through life without having a massive burden over our head in the form of debt, or just lack of money in general. But, people often don’t grasp how to spend less, whilst having more. People seem to grasp perfectly how to spend so much money, but have very little to show for it. Well, that stops today. We’ve got some great ways that you can spend less, but have more, and feel generally more happier about your financial situation. Let us know what you think of the tips below!

Master The Art

This is the first thing that you need to try and do. What people tend to do in life is spend more to have less. So, let’s take clothes shopping for example. You could go around your favourite shopping center with £100, knowing you need a new bag, shoes, and a top for example. You could get exactly that, and more with £100. But people go into the most expensive store, buy one bag, and their money is gone. To spend less, you need to go a little cheaper, but we’re not saying to lose the brands you love altogether. If you did want a high end brand item, you should always try and look in the sales. But generally, if you want to spend less but have more, you need to be looking for the cheaper options. The same goes with food shopping. If you shop at stores such as Waitrose, you’re going to spend far more than if you went to Aldi, and Aldi is just as good!

Saving On Big Spendings

Now this is what you’re all going to need advice on. By big spendings, we’re talking about cars, holidays, and anything else you can think of that usually drains your money. Cars are the thing people struggle with the most, so have you ever considered a personal car lease? It’s a much cheaper way of getting a car that you really want, and most of them are brand new! You don’t have to worry about saving up the money to buy a new car, and you don’t have to be worried about getting sucked into a five year finance that’s really hard to get out of. Leasing lasts for two years at a time, and at the end of the two years you get the choice to pick a new car. It’s an exciting deal that everyone seems to be loving lately, and you definitely get more from spending less.

Finding The Balance Between Spending & Saving

This is something that a lot of people struggle with. The balance between enjoying spending your money, and saving it, is something you should always be trying to meet. First of all, you need to save. That should always come first so that you know you have something to fall back on. Secondly, you need practice careful spending, rather than having one big blow out all the time!

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