Your Phone May Be Your Lifeline, But It’s Time To Cut That Contract Cord

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Money is always a worry.

You know that otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

We live in an age where more people than ever are struggling to set money aside each month. The majority of us now live on a paycheck to paycheck basis. And so, we understandably do what we can to cut costs our monthly costs. We bend over backwards to save on utility bills and bring down rent.

Yet, we pay for some monthly expenses without a second thought. Most notably, we’re talking about phone contracts.

While these were rare only a few years ago, we’ve ALL got one now. In fact, that’s the only way to afford the steep prices of many new-release phones.

And, to keep up with the trends, most of us pay as much for our phones as we do for our home’s water supplies. All without ever questioning whether we could cut this cost, too.

Well, today the madness ends. We’re here to look at some simple steps you can take to slash your contract considerably.

Shop around instead of automatic renewal

Too often, we get stuck with one service provider. They had the best deal when you were looking, and now it’s easier to stick with them.

Don’t all companies offer roughly the same prices? Not at all. In truth, costs across companies vary in significant ways. Not to mention that even just making noise about changing can see your bills come crashing down. So, instead of waiting for that automatic renewal, take action.

For one, you should head to sites like Moneypug. Here, you can compare many contracts to ensure you get the best deal.

It’s also worth going back to your current provider with the better offers you receive. The chances are they have a fair few tricks up their sleeves to keep customers loyal and onboard. Many companies even have price-match policies which could see you getting the deal of the century.

With that in mind, staying put without question may not be such an easy choice. Your monthly finances certainly won’t think so. So, get your phone details out, and check when your contract is up for renewal. Then, make sure you do something about it.

Opt for a non-handset contract

As we’ve mentioned, skyrocketing prices of phones are one of the main reasons for contract popularity. We all want the latest model, and there’s no chance we could buy it upfront.

So, we spread the cost over a year-18 months, and consider we’ve got a bargain. But, bear in mind that you’ll still likely pay between £20-£40 a month depending on the length of your contract. That’s still a substantial sum, and there’s no need for it.

This is especially the case when it comes to upgrades. We’re lured in by the promise of shiny new phones. But, over a lifetime, you’ll pay far more for handsets than necessary. After all, even smartphones don’t go out of date in as little as a year.

But, this is how companies catch us out, and it’s about time you got wise. So, instead of keeping up with a contract once you have a year under your belt, cancel that and keep the phone. You wouldn’t believe how much you’ll save by changing to a provider which doesn’t offer handsets.

A contract like this could cost as little as £5. And, that’s nothing to sniff at. You may not get a shiny new phone, but you already have a handset which serves all your needs. And, when you think about it, that’s plenty to be going on with.

Know your usage

It’s also worth taking note of usage. Most providers offer accounts through which you can check which services you do and don’t use. Still, most of us don’t bother with the diagnostics.

But, if you want to save money, tracking usage is something you need to do. We often make the mistake of signing up for as many unlimited features as we can. But, when it comes down to it, we often use less than half of what our contracts offer. And, that means chucking money away.

Unlimited calls might sound nice, but there’s no point if you spend less than ten minutes actually talking on the phone each month. Equally, there’s no point in unlimited roaming data if you never use the internet outside your house.

By checking up on these things, you can make sure your next contract is tailored to you, and cheaper because of it.

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