Could Your Website Be Holding You Back From Making Money?

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Having an online presence is essential for businesses. However, if you get it wrong or offer something that isn’t up to scratch – it could end up costing you. With many businesses relying on their website to generate business, a thorough review of your own could help you to identify weaknesses.

Image: Pxhere

If you’re not satisfied with your website’s performance, then take a look at some of the things that could be holding you back and stopping your business from becoming the success it deserves to be.

Dated website designs

A dated website design is bad news for businesses. A quick look at website design trends for 2018 will show you how your website should be looking today. If it’s been a while since your last refresh, you might want to consider how you can improve the look of your website to keep up with the latest trends. As the internet becomes a much more visual place, you might need to start thinking in more creative terms to help your website stand out.

Slow or inconsistent speed

We live in an age where things are becoming more and more fast-paced. Individuals have a limited window these days for consuming information, and if faced with a website that takes a long time to load (or doesn’t load at all), then they’re going to give up and look elsewhere. One way to combat slow speed is to install a CDN service with CDNSun for fast and affordable results. CDN (content delivery network) services can help boost the speed of your website and therefore improve user experience, something that will help hold visitors’ attention for longer and ensure there’s no need to look elsewhere for the information they want.

Too much text

Websites that are one long wall of text are no longer appealing to web browsers. Even those who are reading articles prefer that content is broken up with images and videos. If your homepage reads like one long wall of information, then it’s time to make some changes. Get inspiration from top websites with carefully crafted copy to help you discover what copy should look like. The use of graphics and image to break down your text, make it move or highlight the key points can make a significant difference to your website and make it a more interesting destination for visitors.

Poor promotion

How are people finding out about your website? If you have little or no marketing to help spread the word, then you could be missing out on new business and therefore profits. Even if you’re building your business on a budget, there are plenty of free marketing tools out there that can help people to find your website. Put some effort behind your social media accounts and find some creative and engaging ways to help you connect with your desired audience.

Your website is a door to your business, and a failure to maintain it could be the reasons why you’re missing out on profits. Conduct a thorough inspection of your current website to help you work out what needs improving and make the necessary changes to help your business grow online.

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