10 Things You Can Do This Week To Move Towards Launching Your Business

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If you want to get closer to launching your business, don’t wait to take action. The key to getting your business up and running is to start doing something today, and continue doing things each and every day that can help you to move closer to where you want to be. Keeping up momentum is all about taking baby steps in the right direction regularly, no matter how small.

So, with this in mind, below we have 10 things that you can do this week so you can move towards launching your business.

1. Come Up With Your Business Plan

Start by coming up with your business plan, or at least the bones of your business plan if you haven’t already. Every business that wants to be successful in the long term should have a plan. The fact of the matter is, if you don’t have one, it’s all too easy to go off track, become unfocused, and make mistakes.

Your business plan won’t necessarily protect you from anything that could go wrong, but it will help you to stay clear headed. You can find templates online if you’re unsure where to start. Make sure you include your numbers and any other relevant information, bearing in mind that potential lenders may look at this if you look for financing later on. It should be detailed, but not so detailed that it’s unreadable.

2. Start Working On Your Website

If you don’t have a website, now is the time to start working on one. Your web design is one of the most important things you’ll decide upon, as it has to be attractive, suit your brand, and easy to navigate. In fact, it’s probably best that you find a company that can take care of this for you. Look for a company that can do it all; create your website from scratch with your marketing goals in mind.

SEO is extremely important, and many websites need to be built with this in mind from the beginning. Make sure you look at portfolios, ask questions, and read testimonials to find the right company for you. Always read the small print too, as you want to make sure you own your site should anything change later on.

3. Figure Out What You’re Going to Automate And Outsource

Automation and outsourcing are two techniques you can use to save a ton of time and money. There are apps that can help you to automate tasks that you would do everyday, for example, and you can look for freelancers to outsource certain tasks that you’re not so great at, or tasks that just take you too long.

Bear in mind that there is such a thing as too much outsourcing; you want to stay true to your brand and ensure you’re offering the highest quality possible, without spending more money than needed on it.

4. Come Up With Ideas For Your Brand And Brand Voice

Figure out who your brand would be if it were a person. What would it sound like? This should be your brand voice. It should be consistent across social profiles, on emails, and anywhere else you come into contact with your audience. Make sure your brand suits the type of people you’re looking to target, and look up things like the psychology of colors so you know exactly how to use them to get the results that you want.

5. Write A Mission Statement

Creating a mission statement can help you to stay focused now and in the future. It can give you and others a great idea of where you’d like to end up and what you’d like to achieve. A unique mission statement that uses radiant words will help you to keep that momentum up and ensure you’re taking the steps needed to succeed. You can take a look at free resources online to figure out how to write yours.

6. Build Momentum

We’ve already discussed building momentum, but it’s time to go into it in a little more detail. Momentum is something you have to keep up consistently. Do things that keep you interested and excited. Hire people that suit your company culture and make sure you take care of them. Create an inspiring place to work, or change your scenery regularly. Take one small baby step per day to keep that momentum up.

7. Learn More About Your Ideal Customer

Do some more research on your ideal customer and how you can attract them. The marketing techniques you’d use to attract young single professionals and older parents, for example, are completely different. You can come up with a few consumer profiles so that you know who you are targeting right from the get go.

8. Stop Making Excuses

Making excuses is a huge killer of momentum and business ideas in general. Sometimes, you have to be willing just to take huge action. Be brave. It’s scary, but you’ll always wonder ‘what if’ if you don’t do anything about it now.

9. Research The Legal Requirements

The boring but important bit: legal requirements. These can change depending on what sort of business you’re starting, where you’re starting it, and who you’re planning on hiring, if anybody. Do plenty of research and get some advice if you’re unsure. You need to make sure you’re doing everything by the book right from the beginning.

10. Work To Understand Your Strengths, Skills, And Time Available

It’s time to assess yourself so you can understand your skills, strengths, and time available a bit better. Knowing your skills, strengths, and weaknesses will give you areas that you know you need to improve on. Considering the time you have available and being realistic will help you when it comes to outsourcing. You should know when you need to engage an accountant, lawyer, insurance agent, marketing specialist, web page designer, or another kind of professional.

Hopefully, the 10 things here have inspired you a little to take steps closer to launching your business today. Good luck – although luck rarely has anything to do with it!

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