How To Earn Extra Cash On Your Dream RV Trip

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This is a guest post by travel and finance writer Lauren Cordell.

Traveling would be a pretty exciting idea, except that you can’t afford to go on a getaway for a long time and come back with your bills piling up. Instead of enjoying the trip, you could end up worrying about your finances and lose the main purpose of traveling. Thus, it makes sense why many have given up their dream to travel. It seems much safer for your pocket. 

But what if I tell you that you can make extra money while traveling? You’ve probably heard about traveling in an RV and all its perks, yet still dismissed the idea every single time. Despite the many ways to save money on an RV trip, doing so remains a pipe dream. Perhaps, it’s about time to make it come true. 

Here, I’ve highlighted how you can earn extra cash on your dream RV trip. You’d be amazed how earning and traveling to places isn’t only impossible but also a nearly perfect blend. 

Create A Travel Blog

If you love to write, blogging would be a great way to earn extra money while you’re traveling. It’s a perfect avenue to share your first RV travel experience, and you might be able to connect with people who can relate to you. Your blog doesn’t have to be entirely exclusive to RV traveling. If you’re passionate about other things, you can write about them too. 

Nevertheless, an RV travel blog is a good place to start. It should be noted, though, that not all who blogged about their travel earned money. But several travel bloggers are earning a decent income. The key is to find your niche and create content that makes you stand out among others. 

Travel Photography

It’s also possible to earn extra cash by selling your travel photographs. But like all other ventures, it needs a lot of hard work. Taking pictures would be an incredible way to enjoy your RV travel, see beautiful places, and make money at the same time. You don’t have to own the latest camera to succeed in travel photography, which is a common misconception. 

You only have to make the most of your equipment. After all, it’s you who’ll take the pictures and not the camera. It is only an extension of you, and how you’ll use it is what matters more. Doing your research before going to a location is vital since it’s easy to feel lost and unsure of what to photograph. And when you’re exploring any place, pay attention to the little things.

Freelance Writing

If you’re not comfortable creating your own travel blog because the content can be too personal to share, freelance writing would be a perfect alternative. Although it can take some time to turn freelance writing into a full-time income, it can be a practical way to augment your income while traveling. 

You have many options in freelance writing, such as social media posts or ghostwriting. But regardless of that, you can often write on your schedule provided that you submit by the deadline. Thus, you would still have ample time to enjoy different RV travel destinations and earn extra cash all at the same time. 

Online Teaching

If you have an educational background or are just interested in teaching and tutoring, online teaching is another way to earn money while traveling. However, it should be noted that not all online teaching jobs are created equal. But most common nowadays is teaching English as a second language to students with various native languages. 

Some websites also need teachers for home tutoring. Your work will be much more on assisting students with their homework, exams, and other relevant school tasks. Choose the one you think you’ll do best. 

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are also currently in high demand. If you have good administrative skills, it would be a suitable way to earn extra cash while traveling in an RV. A virtual assistant’s work would mostly consist of responding to customer service requests, handling emails for a website owner, or managing the company’s social media accounts. 

Typically, most virtual assistant positions only necessitate a few hours a day of work. It’s up to you whether you prefer to contract your work through a virtual assistant agency or take clients based on the job, tasks, or terms. You can also inquire of any local businesses in the area you travel to if they consider hiring a virtual assistant. 

Do Camp Work 

Many RV parks, campsites, museums, and other types of attractions need seasonal workers. If you want something that won’t make you feel stuck online, doing camp work is another way to earn extra cash. While you work the concessions, rides, and attractions, some RV Parks might even offer you to stay in. 

There are various campground jobs, such as camp hosting, maintenance jobs, RV parks visitor center hosting, office work, and many others. But note that many of the campground jobs only pay for a limited number of hours worked. It might be quite challenging to find forty-hour work every week. 

Sell Homemade Goods

If online jobs are not very appealing to you, you can also earn extra money by making homemade goods and selling them in the local farmer’s markets. You can sell many homemade goods, like quilts, homemade jams, cookies, or sandwiches. It’s up to you which ones you think you are good at making. 

How To Get An RV? 

Of course, you need an RV to make your dream trip possible. You have many options to get an RV, but you may consider renting or financing. If you’re planning to have your own RV, you can look for different financing options like the RV loans with My Financing USA. But remember that buying an RV is a significant financial decision. Make sure to weigh all your options and do enough research. 


Earning extra cash while traveling in an RV is possible in many different ways. But note that turning your skills into a profitable income requires hard work, patience, determination, and thorough planning. Regardless of that, don’t forget to enjoy and make the most of your RV experience. 

Author Bio:

Lauren Cordell is a travel enthusiast and a finance writer. She writes in various travel and finance websites. It is her advocacy to educate readers about making their travel goals come true without compromising their financial health. When Lauren is not working or traveling, she loves to bake some goodies at home.

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