How to Make Money as a Movie Extra [Side Hustle Case Study]

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Here’s the next installment in our side hustle case study series, where real people share how they make extra money!

This week, Pete from Household Money Saving is talking about his very cool side hustle that I’ve always been interested in – working as an extra!

How to make money as a movie extra with Pete from Household Money Saving

Wondering how to make money as a movie extra? In this case study, Pete shares how to get into this cool and glamorous side hustle, and how much he makes! If you're looking for a fun and different way to earn extra cash, click through to find out more.

Please tell us a little about yourself and your side hustle.

I’m married and a father of 3. I work full-time, but I’m always on the hunt to make extra money. My side hustle is working as a movie extra. Anyone can do it and you don’t need any particular skills.

How long have you been doing your side hustle? How did you get into it?

Just over 1 ½ years. I saw an advert on Facebook looking for extras for a movie being filmed in the local area. A couple of friends agreed to do it with me, but they pulled out. I ended up going on my own.

What does the work actually involve? What does a typical day/work session look like for you?

The work is actually far from glamorous. A 30 second scene can take hours to film. As an extra, you are expected to just walk (or if you’re lucky, sit) around in the background. It does mean that you can be on your feet for ages. In the last movie I was in, it was set in the 30’s. My shoes were very uncomfortable, but it was even worse for women who were wearing heels!

Days can be very long. If you need your hair styled every morning and makeup putting on, you may need to start at 6. And if filming doesn’t go as planned, you can be there until past 8 at night. However, you do get paid extra.

Food and drink is provided, but you eat separately from the main cast and crew.

How much can you make doing this side hustle?

This really depends. Movies and TV studios pay slightly differing amounts. Plus, your agent takes a cut which varies depending on who you are with. A 12 hour day should see you earn in the region of £200.

Are there any start-up costs and/or ongoing expenses with this side hustle?

Some casting agencies have urgent casting calls, which means you can apply for an extra role without becoming a full-time, paying member. But usually, you will need to join a casting agent’s books, especially if you want to receive regular work. Prices vary between agents, but is usually in the region of £50-100. Some agents will only charge you when you receive your first job.

If you really want to make a go of it, you can have some professional headshots made to help you stand out from the crowd. And I know of other extras who have their own outfits they use for filming!

What advice would you give to somebody who wants to get started?

Don’t expect to find work straight away and expect to be messed around now and again. I have been told I’m wanted for a job, then I’m not and then I’m wanted again. It can be a real pain when you’re trying to arrange your work and family.

And the work is generally quite boring, but it’s great meeting some of the stars and seeing how the filming process works.

Any recommended websites or resources?

Take a look at the agents I used

Or take a look at my first job as an extra:

Where can we find you?


Facebook page:

Thank you Pete!

You can check out the other posts in the side hustle case studies series here.

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Looking for side hustles in the UK? Here's a cool idea: make money as a film extra! Fancy spending your weekends on movie sets and get paid to do it? Click through to find out how to get started.

Looking for side hustle ideas? How about working as a movie extra? In this interview, Pete shares how he got his first job as a film extra and how much money he makes with his side hustle!
Fun side hustle idea to make extra cash in the UK! How about working as a film extra?? Here's how to get started, and how much you can expect to make, including which agency to sign up with!

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