Getting On The Property Market Without Undue Stress

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Getting on the property market is usually a long-term goal of most people. If you plan to raise a family one day, it’s always best to try and find the potential of your own place. Settling down in a location which is suitable for your needs, while making monthly payments towards this end sounds like the dream. When you’re successful in your career to a degree, you have a loving partner and you’re willing to settle down, this can seem like the next step. But first, you must get on the property ladder. Luckily, there are many ways to do this. But how many of them truly offer a lack of stress?

We’re here to explore this and hopefully help you out. If you’re hoping to develop a wonderful family home to craft memories in, then we wish you all the best. We’re sure it’s the least you deserve to enjoy.

Let us begin:

Craft Your Credit

You will need strong credit to be approved for a mortgage. This means that in order to achieve the most favourable terms, the terms which truly lessen your headache, you’ll need near perfect and squeaky clean credit. Now this is not always possible to achieve, so taking a year or two to fix and assess this before you apply could be worthwhile, as rejected applications will show on your credit report.

Usually, bad credit judgements take around seven years to clear. If you calculate when you received this difficulty, you may find yourself near the cut off point. It’s also important to settle all the debts impacting your credit statement, no matter how old they are or how insignificant they might feel.

It could be that you simply desire improving your credit baseline. This can be achieved by making payments down on financed goods, or repaying your credit card in a suitable time frame. If it will take a year of doing this in order to gain the strongest possible credit report, it might be worth it, especially if this could lessen your monthly payments on the house dramatically. It may even less the contractual term length when applying. Knowing you’ve gained the best possible deal will help you sleep better at night, knowing you’re not paying over the odds for the place you and your partner fell in love with.

See The Positives

Yes, getting on the property ladder could be considered more difficult than ever. After the financial crash in 2008, lenders are much more cautious about who they grant large loans to, and this can make the whole process feel dizzyingly frustrating. Still, it’s important to see the positives in the whole experience. It will orient you to an end goal and purpose, and keeping this in sight will always mean as a current or potential family, you are moving forward. It’s also a great way to pool and control your finances pre-emptively before the daily responsibilities of married or coupled settled life become a reality.

It also gives you a project to work on with your partner, and in a way you can truly see how the relationship dynamic works out when under a light burden of stress. This means that this process is not without importance of value. It can be hard to see that sometimes, but when all is said and done and you’re occupying your lovely new space, you’ll surely see the positives.

Start Small

Starting small is a great way to get on the property ladder. If you are in possession of property, such as inheriting your parent’s retirement cottage, or even making the investment to purchase a flat from your landlord who’s retiring, you might find that redecorating and selling on in this capacity yields massive results.

Entering the property market without being unduly stressed the whole time will give you a fuller experience, one more able to relax in the daily pace of the property development scene. This can introduce you to the methodology of putting houses on the market, developing them well and with integrity, and being connected in the letting agent scene. This might even put you closer to developing your own properties yourself. Who knows? Your initial plan to climbing the property ladder might even develop into a realtor business. Of course that’s too early to be suggesting that, so remember to start small, and make use of what you have. As house prices rise, you might just find you’re in a great position to get something started.

Identify Your Reasons

Current reports are suggesting that the property ladder is becoming more difficult to enter. This is true to a degree, and it’s pretty shameful that this is happening. However, you’re unable to adjust the house prices, but what you can do is adjust your purpose and attitudes. Renting is easier than ever, and looks to be the default way people occupy spaces for most of their lives. If you truly want to make the effort in purchasing a home, you need to identify why. List all the pros and cons of doing so down one sheet of paper, and weight these up with your partner.

Think about what your life could look like in one, three, five and ten years if you make this decision. Identifying your goals in such a crisp manner will allow you to prepare for the difficulties of getting on the property market. You will be completely able to deal with them, as opposed to continually worrying about why you made this decision in the first place. If you can, craft a rough financial plan to go hand in hand with your purpose, so you can foresee and plan for costs in advance.


The timeline you keep can make all the difference as you try to develop your property dreams. Pooling your income as a couple will surely help you realize this dream, but should you be so hasty? Perhaps waiting longer than your late twenties could potentially make the whole process easier to deal with.

Waiting until you both are promoted at your jobs, or waiting until one is making enough to cover the two as you are now can open more financial stability for you both as a consequence of patience. It might be waiting for the perfect subsale opportunity found here That means developing your pursuits onto the property market will be filled with a stronger and more wholesome cash reserve. You’d be surprised at how much this can positively affect your mood regarding this process.

Moving In

Of course, the dreaded day of the move must happen. After you’ve achieved all you intended with your property market goals, it can be easy to forget how stressful moving in can be, particularly if you’re moving many miles to the new property. It’s so important to keep a ‘moving budget’ in your mindset, allowing you to hire removal men, change the energy tariffs easily while paying cancellation charges, as well as getting set up with new furniture as soon as you enter. If you needed to make renovations, you must decide whether you can live within those conditions or to wait until the work is done!

As you sit on your new coach in the new property you have managed to acquire, you’ll look back at the wise steps you made up until now and will be thankful for your tenacity, and the ability to follow a handy guide you read on a wonderful blog.


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