Book Review: Get Rich Click!

Book Review: Get Rich Click! by Marc Ostrofsky

One of my goals at Boost My Budget is to educate myself about personal finance. So, I’ve set myself a challenge: to read one personal finance book every month.

Perhaps I’ve fallen at the first hurdle, because my first choice of book isn’t strictly personal finance related – but it IS all about making money on the internet, so how could I resist?!

This month’s book is Get Rich Click: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet. Yes, the exclamation mark is in the book’s title. The book is subtitled ‘The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet’ and promises to teach you ‘hundreds of unique ways to make money online’.

There is something counterintuitive about reading a physical book about the internet. Shouldn’t all the information be available online? Well, yes. There is a huge amount of information online – and most of it is free. I’ve spent the past few months researching ways of making money online, and I have literally hundreds of saved links, articles and pins to get through.

The main thing that attracted me to this book is that there is almost too much information online. It’s overwhelming and can be difficult to know where to start, especially for a newbie like me. I liked the idea of having a number of strategies condensed into one small paperback, with a finite number of pages.

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