How To Get Samples Completely Free

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Many people do not realize that manufacturers give away samples of their products all the time. These manufacturers want you to try their latest products to ensure that you want to buy them again. They also want you to like their products more than their competitors and understand that trying the products will help with this.

Manufacturers are aware that you do not want to waste money on something that you might not like and would like to reduce your risks. Of course, they also want to save money while doing this. This is why manufacturers will not send their new products to everyone and only send them to people they know are willing to try them out.

This is where you will come in. There is a special kind of excitement in getting a package or box in the mail and knowing that you are getting a product for free without any obligations. You will feel powerful as a customer and get to try the high-quality top of the range products that may normally be outside your budget. The products that you get are usually new to the market, you will be able to try the very latest items.

When looking at getting samples, you need to ensure that they are free. You should not have to pay anything to get the sample. There are many sample routes you can take that will not charge you for any shipping or postage.

It is actually very easy to get free products. All you have to do is find an offer and request the sample be mailed to you. The only information you generally have to provide is your name and physical address. There are times when you may be asked some questions to determine if you qualify for the offer.

Once you have tried the sample product, you can provide feedback to the maker. However, this is not something that you have to do and should not be a requirement for the sample. If you have a particular brand that you want to try, you should go to their website and see if they have a mailing list. You should then receive news about when free samples are available.

Companies That Offer Free Samples


There are a lot of manufacturers who use Facebook as a platform to give away samples and offer coupons. You will generally have to like a page before you are given the opportunity to request a sample or print a coupon.


You should check if your favorite department store or grocery store provides free samples. Costco will have free samples, but most of them will only be available to card members and you need to consider this.

Proctor And Gamble

There are a number of different products made by Proctor and Gamble. If you want to get sample offers and coupons for their new products, you will need to register on their website.

Sample Websites

While it is possible to go directly to a manufacturer’s website for samples, it can be a chore to visit all of the sites regularly to see if they are offering samples. This is why you should consider using sample websites. These websites will notify you when there are new samples available.

These websites will simply gather all the information you need in a single place. You should try looking for a site that is large enough to be national or one that works in your local area because some offers will be available in certain regions only. You can also subscribe to their blog and RSS feeds which means you get the latest sample news into your inbox or blog reader. Of course, you will need to be careful when subscribing to these sites as you might get more mail than you can handle.

We really like WOW Free Stuff as they offer lots of different samples including makeup, perfume and more.

Important Things To Note

Most samples one offer will be limited to households within a certain area. It can also take 4 to 10 weeks for a sample to reach your home, so you need to be patient. The offers will also generally be limited to one item per household, so if you have family who want samples you may have a problem getting enough.

The samples you are going to get will be sample-size and not full size. You will generally only get 4 uses out of a sample. Although you do not have to, you can create a list of samples you have requested. This will ensure that you do not waste your time requesting samples you have already asked for.

Offers will have limited numbers of samples so if you like something you should request the sample straight away. As the quantities are limited, you should also not request items that you will not be using straight away. There is no reason to stockpile samples as they will clutter your home and it is not fair to other people who would have used the sample.

Most manufacturers will provide samples without any surveys. However, there are some manufacturers who will offer you the chance to provide input about the product they are sending you. It is also important to note that manufacturers compete with each other so you could find a number of razor samples from different brands at the same time. This is a great way to try different brands and find the one that you like the most.