Comments on: How to Make Money on Pinterest (Updated for 2020) Make more money! Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:30:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blogemania Sun, 19 Feb 2023 06:22:29 +0000 I haven’t give it try to Pinterest yet . But After reading your blog . I will give it a try . As I realise I am losing traffic to my blog by not using it. Thanks

By: Shweta Ramanujam Thu, 08 Apr 2021 03:36:12 +0000 Very useful blog post! I have been concentrating only on Instagram till now to drive traffic to my blog. I am going to start focusing on Pinterest from now! I am going to try Pinterest affiliate marketing now! Thanks!

By: Boost My Budget Mon, 01 Mar 2021 15:51:18 +0000 In reply to Christopher.

Hi Christopher. You can do this from anywhere in the world. You just need to make sure that the affiliate programs you choose will let you join (and recieve payment) from your country. Most affiliate programs will let you join from anywhere if you can accept payment by PayPal in your country. Start with the affiliate programs listed above, check their information pages or contact their support and see if you can join from Uganda. Then, you just follow the steps above. Pinterest is international so you can target an audience in the US or anywhere else in the world. It doesn’t matter where you live, as long as you can find affiliate programs that will pay you.

For other ideas to make money online that will work in your country, see this page:

By: Chris Mon, 01 Mar 2021 10:09:10 +0000 Hi am still confused of how I can start . because I’ve liked the ideas .help me.thanks

By: Christopher Mon, 01 Mar 2021 10:01:02 +0000 Good ideas.but how best can I start on it while am remote areas of Uganda in Africa? Thanks.

By: Roberta Bortoleto Thu, 11 Feb 2021 10:35:17 +0000 Tks for sharing. I would like to use Pinterest to get more visit to my blog

By: Boost My Budget Sun, 22 Nov 2020 16:45:56 +0000 In reply to Hammad H. Mughal.

Hi there, see this section of the above post for a list of the best affiliate programs to use on Pinterest.

By: Hammad H. Mughal Tue, 17 Nov 2020 08:33:54 +0000 HI there,

Thanks for such a detailed overview regarding monetization on Pinterest and other social media such as Instagram & facebook etc.
Kindly i have a team of 20 people and we are willing to start affiliate marketing in which pins are created in a niche such as “DIY” and we want to earn by repining by our followers and viewers. Can you recommend some website links where we can get this influential affiliate marketing campaigns from clients?

By: SWEETY JOSHI Thu, 29 Oct 2020 07:31:29 +0000 Thissss is sooo informative! Thanks a bunch for saving my life!

By: Boost My Budget Mon, 19 Oct 2020 16:25:14 +0000 In reply to Newton Onukwusi.

It’s definitely worth paying attention to the potential of affiliate marketing!
