Comments on: Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve Done This Week Make more money! Fri, 09 Nov 2018 17:16:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Boost My Budget Fri, 24 Feb 2017 20:17:32 +0000 In reply to Faith A..

Thank you, Faith! Yes, it’s always good to stop and check in with what we’ve been doing. Cous cous is one of my fave packed lunch standbys – it’s so quick! If I don’t have time to roast veggies, I just have it with salad or whatever bits and pieces we’ve got in the fridge.

By: Boost My Budget Fri, 24 Feb 2017 20:14:45 +0000 In reply to derek.

Thanks for the comment, Derek! Yes! That’s the revelation I had this week. I thought I would increase my savings rate when I got a pay rise, or when my side hustles started paying out, but then I realised I had to start NOW. I won’t miss £10 a month, or another £10 after that, so I’m planning to just keep increasing until it feels unsustainable. It’s also a good way to stop lifestyle creep!

By: derek Fri, 24 Feb 2017 17:57:26 +0000 #4 is a huge lesson.

You talk about savings there, but I’ve heard the same idea applied to paying off debt.

Some people pay the minimum on their debt and wait for the day they will get a large sum of money so they can pay it off all at once. Then, 8 years later the large sum of money never came and they are still paying the minimum. If they had only increased their monthly payment by even a small amount it would have been paid off much faster.

Waiting around for your income to increase or for a large sum of money to appear isn’t a good plan.

I like your plan much better. Do it now. Work with what you have!

By: Faith A. Fri, 24 Feb 2017 14:55:02 +0000 Glad you managed to think of five frugal things, I’m always surprised when I stop and think that actually there are things I’ve done that have saved money. The cous cous sounds delicious, and congrats on upping your Isa savings.
